Mental Health & MS

Caring for your mental health is just as important as caring for your physical health.

Upbeat Music to Boost Your Mood and Day
Upbeat Music to Boost Your Mood and Day
Accepting Chronic Illness: How to Find Hope and Joy in the Everyday
read more
MS and Mood Changes: What You Can Do to Cope
read more
5 Tips for Being a Better LGBTQ+ Ally to Friends and Family
5 Tips for Being a Better LGBTQ+ Ally to Friends and Family
Can Cannabis Help MS Symptoms? Here’s What Experts Know
Can Cannabis Help MS Symptoms? Here’s What Experts Know 8 minutes
Key Facts About Depression Everyone Should Know
Key Facts About Depression Everyone Should Know
Upbeat Music to Boost Your Mood and Day
Upbeat Music to Boost Your Mood and Day
Accepting Chronic Illness: How to Find Hope and Joy in the Everyday
Accepting Chronic Illness: How to Find Hope and Joy in the Everyday
Self-Care Catalog
Self-Care Catalog
MS and Mood Changes: What You Can Do to Cope
MS and Mood Changes: What You Can Do to Cope
5 Tips for Being a Better LGBTQ+ Ally to Friends and Family
5 Tips for Being a Better LGBTQ+ Ally to Friends and Family
Can Cannabis Help MS Symptoms? Here’s What Experts Know
Can Cannabis Help MS Symptoms? Here’s What Experts Know 8 minutes
Key Facts About Depression Everyone Should Know
Key Facts About Depression Everyone Should Know

Depression & MS


Get a better understanding of depression and MS—and what you can do to manage depression through therapy, lifestyle changes, medications, and more.

MS and Mood Changes: What You Can Do to Cope
MS and Mood Changes: What You Can Do to Cope
Multiple Sclerosis and Mental Health: 4 Common Conditions
Multiple Sclerosis and Mental Health: 4 Common Conditions
The Benefits of Psychotherapy for People with MS
The Benefits of Psychotherapy for People with MS



Being mindful can go a long way in helping you manage pain and stress, and find positivity in the everyday. Learn how to adopt or develop your own practice.

Accepting Chronic Illness: How to Find Hope and Joy in the Everyday
Accepting Chronic Illness: How to Find Hope and Joy in the Everyday
MS and Mood Changes: What You Can Do to Cope
MS and Mood Changes: What You Can Do to Cope
Easy Ways to Relax When Chronic Health Issues Are Making You Anxious
Easy Ways to Relax When Chronic Health Issues Are Making You Anxious



These tips from experts and others living with MS can help you handle MS-specific stress and other everyday life stressors.

6 Ways to Handle Sick Days When You Have a Chronic Condition
6 Ways to Handle Sick Days When You Have a Chronic Condition
On the Job With MS: Work Accommodations That Can Make It Easier
On the Job With MS: Work Accommodations That Can Make It Easier
The Benefits of Psychotherapy for People with MS
The Benefits of Psychotherapy for People with MS



Explore healthy ways to deal with the big emotions that living with MS can stir up.

MS and Mood Changes: What You Can Do to Cope
MS and Mood Changes: What You Can Do to Cope
How to Care for Your Mental Health When You Have a Chronic Illness
How to Care for Your Mental Health When You Have a Chronic Illness
Easy Ways to Relax When Chronic Health Issues Are Making You Anxious
Easy Ways to Relax When Chronic Health Issues Are Making You Anxious

Coping Skills


Sharpen your coping skills, so you’re equipped to face MS setbacks and challenges head on.

Accepting Chronic Illness: How to Find Hope and Joy in the Everyday
Accepting Chronic Illness: How to Find Hope and Joy in the Everyday
11 Things to Do to Lift Your Mood
11 Things to Do to Lift Your Mood 11 minutes
MS and Mood Changes: What You Can Do to Cope
MS and Mood Changes: What You Can Do to Cope