29 Weeks Pregnant

By None
March 02, 2023

At 29 weeks pregnant, your baby is the size of a butternut squash. Their kicks are getting stronger.

Now that you’re in your third trimester, you should be counting those kicks! Doing fetal kick counts every day helps you learn your baby’s movement habits. Then, if something seems off, you can contact your provider to make sure the baby is okay.

A surprising but common symptom at 29 weeks is leaking breasts. Some people experience it during pregnancy and some don’t. If you do, you can use breast pads to absorb the liquid.

Try not to feel too stressed about getting everything for your baby. The most important pieces of gear are a safe crib or bassinet and an infant car seat (if they’ll be riding in a car). These safety items should be the highest priority.

Want to know more about your pregnancy week-by-week?

Look ahead to 30 Weeks Pregnant
Go back to 28 Weeks Pregnant

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