21 Weeks Pregnant

By None
March 02, 2023

At 21 weeks pregnant, your baby is the size of a carrot. They can now swallow, and may even suck their thumb.

Common symptoms at 21 weeks pregnant include heartburn and trouble sleeping. Weight gain may be about one pound per week.

Now that you’re past the halfway point in pregnancy, you may feel ready to prepare more for the baby. This may include making a list of baby names or shopping for baby gear.

It’s also a good idea to start looking for a pediatrician. This is the doctor who’ll see your baby after they’re born. If you’re not sure where to start, ask other parents you know. Your provider may also have doctors they recommend.

Want to know more about your pregnancy week-by-week?

Look ahead to 22 Weeks Pregnant
Go back to 20 Weeks Pregnant

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