MS Treatment & Care
Stay informed about the best ways to treat MS and prevent relapses—from finding the right treatments to choosing a rehabilitation program.
Know what to expect during an MS relapse and learn strategies for managing relapsing symptoms.
MS Rehabilitation
Different types of rehab are available to help make everyday life with MS better. Understand your options.
Alternative Treatments for MS
Find out which complementary and alternative treatments for MS can help and which ones could be risky.
Know the common medications used to treat MS symptoms and modify the disease course. Plus, find tips and tricks for managing your treatment plan.
Know what to expect during an MS relapse and learn strategies for managing relapsing symptoms.
MS Rehabilitation
Different types of rehab are available to help make everyday life with MS better. Understand your options.
Alternative Treatments for MS
Find out which complementary and alternative treatments for MS can help and which ones could be risky.
Know the common medications used to treat MS symptoms and modify the disease course. Plus, find tips and tricks for managing your treatment plan.