Write Your Elected Officials

By Twill Care Community Team
April 11, 2023

Black Maternal Health Week is April 11–17. This week is intended to build activism, community, and awareness to help end racial disparities, reduce maternal mortality rates, and give all families the respect, rights, and resources to have healthy pregnancies and births.

In the United States, Black women are still at high risk of dying during childbirth, and two to three times more likely than white women to die of pregnancy-related complications.

If you’re ready to say enough is enough and you want to make an impact, we encourage you to write to your elected officials and ask them to support the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act.

The Momnibus Act is made up of 13 bills that will address the maternal health crisis in the U.S. The Act has been reintroduced in Congress, and you have an opportunity to make your voice heard by writing to your elected officials and requesting they support the act.

Not sure what to write? Check out our sample letter below.

Sample Letter or Email to Your Elected Officials

Dear Representative/Senator [insert official's name]:

My name is [insert your name], I am a constituent living in [insert your city].

I am writing to you in regards to the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act. As a constituent and an advocate for maternal health, I urge you to co-sponsor this Act.

Our nation has the highest rate of maternal mortality in the developed world, with significantly higher rates of maternal mortality for Black women. The Momnibus consists of 13 pieces of legislation that work in coordination to increase access to maternal and perinatal care, while also addressing the social determinants of this health crisis, including housing, transportation, and nutrition services.

To that end, I ask that you co-sponsor the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act when it’s introduced, so we can end America’s maternal health crisis and save the lives of [insert state] moms.

Thank you,
[insert your name]

How to Find Your Elected Official

If contacting your elected officials is new to you and you’re not sure who to contact, you can find your Congressperson here and your state’s Senators here.

Interested in learning more about the Momnibus Act? Visit this website.