6 Weeks Pregnant: Baby’s Size, Common Symptoms, Tips & To-Dos

By Chaunie Marie Brusie, B.S.N., R.N.
Reviewed by Alyssa Quimby, M.D.
March 02, 2023

At 6 weeks pregnant, you’re at the start of your pregnancy. You probably just tested positive in the last week or two.

How long is 6 weeks pregnant? Even though it’s very early, 6 weeks pregnant is technically one-and-a-half months into pregnancy. You can think of it as being in your second month, which is part of the first trimester.

Your growing baby is likely making their presence known! That may mean some classic pregnancy symptoms for you, like nausea and tiredness. The good news is that your future baby is going through a lot of important growth.

Here’s what to expect at 6 weeks pregnant, plus tips to prepare for what’s ahead.

Baby Size, Development, and Milestones at 6 Weeks Pregnant

In week 6, your future baby is the size of a sweet pea! Buds are growing that will become their arms and legs. There’s a prominent bump marking the start of the head and thickening near the chest where heart tissue has formed.

Some advanced vaginal ultrasounds can even pick up a heartbeat at this stage. However, you usually need a specific medical reason for ultrasound this early. You’ll most likely have to wait to hear your baby’s heartbeat until closer to 8 to 10 weeks.

Other exciting things happening with your little one in week 6 include:

  • The neural tube (the basis of the neurological system) is closing to kick off brain and spine development.
  • Some face muscles are beginning to form.
  • Webbed fingers and toes are beginning to form on the leg and arm buds.
  • The foundation for breathing is beginning with early lung formation.

Common Symptoms at 6 Weeks Pregnant

Everyone’s different and will experience pregnancy differently, but some symptoms are more common. At 6 weeks pregnant, symptoms might include:

Nausea and Vomiting

We’d call it morning sickness, but by now, you may know that pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting is not always limited to the morning.

Any nausea you’re feeling is likely caused by a surge in hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), a hormone produced only during pregnancy. Levels of hCG continue to rise until about 10 weeks of pregnancy, which may be why many pregnant people experience a peak in nausea and vomiting symptoms in the first trimester.

If you’re feeling nauseated, try these tips for relieving morning sickness.

Increased Urination

As your baby grows, its increased size will put pressure on your bladder. But when your baby is only the size of a sweet pea, you might be wondering why on earth it’s causing such frequent urination.

As with many things in pregnancy, hormones are to blame for your sudden urge to pee so often. Pregnancy hormones increase your blood volume, and increased blood flow to your kidneys equals more urine production. Another hormone, relaxin, can increase urine production. It can also relax your blood vessels and pelvic muscles, which can make you need to use the bathroom more, too.

Tiredness and Exhaustion

Growing the start of an entire nervous system is no easy feat. So, if you need a daily nap right now, take it. In general, the fatigue will get considerably better after the first trimester.


It’s common to experience headaches and even full-blown migraines during the first trimester of pregnancy. If you guessed it’s because of all those surging hormones, you’re correct. Increased blood flow is also thought to play a role.

You can talk to your doctor about treating your headache. Acetaminophen is generally considered safe for most pregnant people to take occasionally to treat minor aches and pains. Your doctor may also recommend a magnesium supplement to help if you find your headaches are happening frequently.

Your Body and Mind at 6 Weeks Pregnant

Even if there’s no baby bump visible yet, you’re likely to notice a few changes happening as a result of your growing little one.

Tender Breasts

Many pregnant people with breast tissue notice fuller breasts and changes to their nipples (they can get bigger and darker) as one of their earliest pregnancy symptoms. Your breasts may also be sensitive and tender to the touch. They won’t be as sensitive when it comes time to breastfeed, however, if that’s what you choose to do.

Light Cramping and Spotting

Light spotting can occur in up to 25% of pregnancies during the first trimester, especially in the first few weeks after fertilization. It’s usually nothing to worry about, but talk to your doctor about any bleeding you experience. You may also experience some pelvic discomfort that can feel similar to mild period cramps.

Anxious Feelings

Even with very planned and very wanted pregnancies, feelings of worry and anxiety are normal in the first few weeks of pregnancy. It’s a major life change, and it’s easy to worry about potential problems with the pregnancy or about becoming a parent.

It’s okay to give yourself some time to adjust to this change. You can also talk to your doctor about how to manage anxiety if you’d find it helpful, especially if worries are interfering with your day-to-day life.

Preparation and Tips at 6 Weeks Pregnant

You’re in a prime time to set yourself up for success. Here’s what to start thinking about.

Take a Prenatal Vitamin

If you haven’t already, you’ll want to start taking a prenatal vitamin with at least 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid). These vitamins are important to help your baby grow and develop in a healthy way.

Choose a Provider and Schedule a Prenatal Care Visit

Now’s a great time to choose a pregnancy healthcare provider if you don’t already have one. It’s also a good time to schedule your first prenatal visit. The first prenatal visit usually happens between weeks 7 and 10. It’s important to schedule this visit as soon as possible after you know you’re pregnant so you can set yourself up for your healthiest possible pregnancy.

Learn What to Expect from Prenatal Visits

Here’s what you can expect from your first prenatal visit:

  • A pelvic exam and Pap smear. You can expect both if you’re due.
  • Routine bloodwork. This is necessary to establish a baseline of your health and help alert your doctor if there are any concerns that need addressing.
  • A urine test. This screens for urinary tract infections (which are common during pregnancy) and signs of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia (which can be dangerous to you and your baby).
  • A blood pressure check. Increased blood pressure can be another sign of preeclampsia, so your provider will check your blood pressure throughout your entire pregnancy. Establishing a baseline blood pressure helps them identify whether it increases.
  • Your weight measurement. In general, your weight will be recorded at every visit to track your weight gain, which is important for certain health indicators. If you’re uncomfortable knowing your weight, you can ask for the nurse to record it in your chart without telling you.
  • An ultrasound. Not every provider will do a first-trimester ultrasound, but if yours does, you can likely expect a transvaginal ultrasound. Because your baby is so small at your first visit, this internal ultrasound can help the doctor get a clearer picture.

Share the News with People You Trust Most

Whether it’s your partner, parents, friends, or other close loved ones, consider confiding in someone (or a few people) that you’re pregnant. Not everyone feels ready to announce their pregnancy this early, but it’s important for you to have support from a trusted circle.

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